
United States: Exceptional water surpluses forecast for S. Dakota

United States: Exceptional water surpluses forecast for S. Dakota

The forecast through August 2019 indicates persistent water surpluses in a wide path through the center of the country in the Mississippi River Basin and well into the Missouri, Arkansas, and Red River Basins, including exceptional anomalies in South Dakota. Surpluses of varying intensity are expected in the Rockies, central Arizona, California, Oregon, and in the Northeast. Deficits are forecast for pockets of Washington, North Dakota, Wisconsin, and southeastern states.

The Generational Experience

The Generational Experience

We are experiencing the warmest weather patterns recorded in the modern record. Do our grandchildren think it is warmer than usual? Would our grandparents have felt that it was generally colder during their lifetime? Can we quantify their generational experience? An analysis of three overlapping statistical baselines allows comparison of three climatological periods, 1910 to 1970, 1930 to 1990, and 1950 to 2010.