
Mexico, Central America, & the Caribbean: Intense water deficits forecast for S. Veracruz

Mexico, Central America, & the Caribbean: Intense water deficits forecast for S. Veracruz

The forecast through October indicates moderate to exceptional water deficits in southern Veracruz State, Mexico trailing into Chiapas, particularly in the regions of the Papaloapan and Coatzacoalcos Rivers in Veracruz. Areas of moderate surplus include northeastern Sonora between the Yaqui and Bavispe Rivers, northern Coahuila, and northern San Luis Potosí. Moderate surpluses are also forecast for Costa Rica and western Panama.

Mexico, Central America, & the Caribbean: Water deficits to increase in S. Mexico

Mexico, Central America, & the Caribbean: Water deficits to increase in S. Mexico

The forecast through September indicates nearly normal water conditions in northern Mexico with some mild deficits in Baja and moderate surpluses in northeastern Sonora, northern Coahuila, and northern San Luis Potosí. Moderate to exceptional deficits are forecast from Guanajuato through Chiapas. Deficits are expected in central Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Haiti. Moderate surpluses are forecast for southern Nicaragua and central Panama.

Mexico, Central America, & the Caribbean: Moderate water deficits forecast for S. Mexico

Mexico, Central America, & the Caribbean: Moderate water deficits forecast for S. Mexico

The forecast through June indicates water deficits in Baja, Mexico, coastal Sonora, southern Chihuahua, the Pacific Coast from southern Sinaloa through Chiapas, and the Yucatan Peninsula. Areas of surplus include Coahuila, the southern border of Chihuahua and Sonora, and pockets in the center of the country. Some moderate deficits are expected Central America, Haiti, and Dominican Republic.

Mexico, Central America, & the Caribbean: Intense water deficits forecast in Panama

Mexico, Central America, & the Caribbean: Intense water deficits forecast in Panama

The forecast through May indicates a patchwork of water anomalies. In Mexico, moderate to extreme deficits are forecast in Nayarit, Guerrero, Chiapas, and Yucatan. Conditions of both deficit and surplus are forecast from southern Durango southeast through Morelos. Regions forecast with surpluses include northern Coahuila, Nuevo León, southern Tamaulipas, eastern San Luis Potosí, Distrito Federal, and northern Oaxaca into central Veracruz. Exceptional deficits are expected in western Panama, and moderate deficits in Dominican Republic.