Canada: Water deficits persist in central QC, southern ON; surpluses southern BC

Canada: Water deficits persist in central QC, southern ON; surpluses southern BC

The forecast for Canada through March indicates water deficits in central Quebec, southern Ontario, southern Newfoundland, and northern reaches of western provinces. Surpluses are forecast across Ontario from the southern Kenora District to Quebec, Manitoba from Hudson Bay reaching southwest to Lake Winnipeg, northwestern Saskatchewan, and southern British Columbia.

Mexico, Central America & the Caribbean: Water deficits in southern Mexico, Jamaica

Mexico, Central America & the Caribbean: Water deficits in southern Mexico, Jamaica

The forecast through March indicates scattered moderate water deficits throughout much of Mexico with pockets of exceptional deficits in the south and the Yucatan Peninsula. Deficits will persist in Guatemala and emerge in eastern Jamaica. Surpluses are forecast for eastern Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, and Haiti.

Central Asia & Russia: Water deficits across Arctic Russia, surpluses in Kazakhstan

Central Asia & Russia: Water deficits across Arctic Russia, surpluses in Kazakhstan

Drier than normal water conditions will persist in many parts of northern Russia from the White Sea past the Central Siberian Plateau through September. Surpluses will persist in the Ural River watershed in Kazakhstan, and also in the central, northeastern, and eastern parts of the country. Surpluses are forecast to persist in eastern Kyrgyzstan, and moderate deficits in Uzbekistan. An expanse of exceptional deficits between the Irtysh and Yenisei Rivers in Russia is forecast to transition to exceptional surplus from April through June.

East Asia: Water surpluses forecast in Shanghai; deficits eastern Sichuan

East Asia: Water surpluses forecast in Shanghai; deficits eastern Sichuan

Water surpluses are forecast to persist in Southeast China through March but with diminished severity, except in Shanghai and Jiangsu where exceptional surpluses may persist. Deficits will continue to emerge on the Liaodong Peninsula, eastern Sichuan, Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, and eastern Yunnan. Exceptional deficits intermingled with conditions of both deficit and surplus are expected across northern China from central Inner Mongolia west and north into Mongolia. After March Southeast China is forecast to transition to normal conditions and anomalies elsewhere in the country will generally diminish in severity.