
Europe: Water deficits ahead for Central, Eastern, & Northern Europe

Europe: Water deficits ahead for Central, Eastern, & Northern Europe

The forecast through August indicates widespread water deficits of varying severity in Central, Eastern, and Northern Europe, with intense deficits sprinkled throughout but especially prevalent in Finland, Estonia, and Latvia. Surpluses will persist on the Iberian Peninsula and may be exceptional between the Tajo and Guadiana Rivers, and from Toledo south to Granada. In European Russia, surpluses ranging from moderate to exceptional are forecast for the Don River Basin and much of the Volga River Basin.

Europe: Severe to exceptional water deficits forecast in Mediterranean Europe, Finland, & the Baltics; surpluses in Ireland, Wales, Scotland

Severe to exceptional water deficits are forecast to emerge throughout Mediterranean Europe, with greatest extent and severity in eastern Spain, Sardinia, Sicily, Campania (Italy), southern Greece, and Crete. Deficits are also forecast in Finland and the Baltics. Surpluses are forecast for Ireland, Wales, and Scotland.

ISciences Worldwide Water Watch List March 2016

Regions likely to encounter significant water deficits in the coming months include: the Mississippi and Ohio River Valleys, US; southern Mexico; northern Brazil; Mediterranean Europe; Finland and Estonia; coastal West Africa; western Turkey; Yemen; and Southeast Asia. Significant water surpluses are forecast for: the Southern Plains and southern Florida, US; northwestern Mexico; central Argentina; Ireland; Kenya; central Kazakhstan; Java; and southeast China. This watch list is based on ISciences' Water Security Indicator Model (WSIM) Global Water Monitor and Forecast issued 9 March 2016.