
Global Precipitation & Temperature Outlook June 2018

Global Precipitation & Temperature Outlook June 2018

The June Outlook indicates much warmer than normal temperatures (40+ years return period) blanketing a large block of Northeast China and stretching across the border well into Russia. Much of Europe is forecast to be warmer than normal, as well as many parts of Indonesia, while much cooler temperatures will prevail in parts of Central Africa. Conditions are expected to be much wetter than normal for several African nations along the Atlantic near the equator.

Global Precipitation & Temperature Outlook for June 2016

Global Precipitation & Temperature Outlook for June 2016

The outlook for June 2016 shows a dominant pattern of many severe to exceptionally warmer than normal temperatures - particularly in Brazil, North Africa, Southeast Asia, and Indonesia - along with a few pockets cooler than normal. Exceptional wet anomalies are forecast for portions of Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia.  Severe to extreme wet anomalies are forecast for portions of Texas, Mexico, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan. Dry anomalies are forecast for portions of Uruguay, Brazil, Spain, Ethiopia, and India.

ISciences Worldwide Water Watch List November 2015

Regions likely to encounter significant water deficits in the coming months include: southern Mexico, northern Brazil, North Africa, coastal West Africa, southern Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Western Russia, and Southeast Asia. Significant water surpluses are forecast for: southern South America, East Africa, and Southwest China. This watch list is based on ISciences' Water Security Indicator Model (WSIM) Global Water Monitor and Forecast issued 9 November 2015.